Top Ad Networks for Blog Publishers to earn online

Top Ad Networks for Blog Publishers to earn online

Any website or blog publisher can take help of Ad Networks to Earn Online. Online Ad Networks are managed by experts from the industry with many years of research in the field of Digital Marketing. Choice of a good ad network should be done keeping many factors in mind.

Points to Consider Before Choosing an Ad Network:

  1. Authoritativeness of the Ad Network.
  2. Business age of Ad Network.
  3. Online reviews about that ad network.
  4. Userbase and type of advertisers that network has.

We have worked with many ad networks in the past and currently working with most of them. We are sharing our picks for the top ad networks for website and blog owners. This of Ad networks is as follows:

  1. is the display advertising network owned by Yahoo and Bing (Microsoft). Display ads of are a list of text that is displayed horizontally or vertically in various standard ad sizes. Content of the ads is related to the content of your page and hence chances of getting clicks for relevant queries, increases.

Eligibility: A website with minimum of 50-60 articles and decent amount of traffic. The url must be top level domain and preferably self hosted. Traffic must be primarily from USA, UK and Canada.

Difficulty of Approval: Getting approval in this ad network is slightly difficult.

Minimum Payment Threshold: 100 USD, you must have a minimum of 100 USD in your account to initialize payment request.

Payment Method: Via Paypal

Payment is Made on NET30 Basis – Payments for August 2017 if more than or equal to 100 USD will be transferred to your account on 29 – 30 September.

Payment Contract: Cost Per Click – CPC

  1. Google Adsense

Google Adsense is undoubtedly the biggest online ad network in the world. They have millions of active publisher who are earning a good some of money every month. A lot has been written about

Type of Ads: Display Ads, Text Ads, Responsive Ads, Video Ads in various standard ad sizes, Native Ads – For Articles and Feeds.

Payment Contract: Cost Per Click Basis mainly.

Eligibility for Adsense: Blogger blog or a website with a minimum of 25-30 unique visitors per day and atleast 20 – 25 articles with 300 Words or more (per article)

Difficulty of Approval: If your website follows certain guidelines then getting approved for Adsense becomes easy.

Minimum Payment Threshold: 100 USD

Payment Method: Via Cheque

Note: Google Adsense network is very strict for fraudulent clicks and paid traffic.

  1. Infolinks

Infolinks is amongst top advertisement networks. Infolinks is there in the industry for a long time. It is a legitimate advertisement network which provides contextual advertising like other two networks mentioned above. Infolinks crawls text of your web page and highlight it with some links. When those links are hovered visitors an advertisement pops up, if visitors click on those advertisement then you will get paid.

Type of Ads: Intext Ads, Tag Cloud, Sliding Text and Image Banners from top and side.

Minimum Payment Threshold: 50 USD

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment Contract: Cost Per Impression – CPM mainly.

Difficulty of Approval: Not Difficult

Eligibility for Infolinks: Blogspot or a website with atleast 15-20 posts with 300 words each.

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