List of top 5 Social Bookmarking websites

Social Bookmarking is a method in which people bookmark links or files which they would like to read again. This bookmarking can be done in web browsers but some websites offer the service of bookmarking favorite content online as well. These websites are termed as Social Bookmarking websites. These websites can be used for Digital Marketing and increasing traffic to those links by publicly sharing what you were reading.

We are providing our picks for the top 10 Social Bookmarking Websites on internet:

  1. Reddit

reddit social bookmarking site

Reddit is an American website for aggregation of news socially, giving rating to web content and as a discussion forum as well. You can share images, videos and other website links with others.  Other people can like or dislike your content. Reddit is one the oldest and biggest Social Bookmarking website.

  1. BibSonomy is not just a social bookmarking website; it is also a team work flow based E-Publication management system.  It is online since 2006. This famous blue social bookmarking website is developed using Java.

  1. Diigo is a freemium social bookmarking website that can be used to tag web pages and share and access educational social bookmarks. It provides the functionality of online sticky notes as well.

  1. Citeulike is a free website and as the name suggests it can be used to share interest and like based content with other scholars and researchers. It uses the content of social bookmarking to share links of scientific and research based content on web.

  1. Sharethis provides free clickable buttons that can be posted on any site to let people share the content with billions of internet users via email, AIM or simple text messages.

It will clear to you after reading this article that social bookmarking is primarily done in order to tag content on internet that others can read as well. It can increase traffic to the bookmarked url.

If you are using any social bookmarking tool for digital marketing please let us know by commenting on this article.

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