Explain fs.readFile() method in Node.js

The following code snippet is an example of how to read a file in Node.js using the fs.readFile() method from the File System (fs) module:

fs.readFile('example.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
  if (err) throw err;

Here’s a detailed explanation of each part:

1. fs.readFile('example.txt', 'utf8', ...):

This line is calling the readFile function from the fs module to read the contents of the file named example.txt. The method takes several arguments:

  • 'example.txt': This is the name of the file to be read. It could be a relative or absolute path.
  • 'utf8': This is the encoding format in which the file will be read. Specifying utf8 ensures that the file content is treated as a string (text). Without this encoding, the content would be returned as a Buffer object (raw binary data).
  • The third argument is a callback function that handles what to do with the file data once it’s read.

2. Callback Function ((err, data) => {...}):

The callback function is executed once the file read operation is completed. It takes two parameters:

  • err: If there is an error (e.g., the file doesn’t exist or can’t be accessed), the error object will be passed here. If there’s no error, this value will be null.
  • data: If the file is successfully read, this parameter will contain the contents of the file as a string (because we specified the utf8 encoding).

3. Error Handling (if (err) throw err):

This line checks if there was an error during the file reading process. If an error occurred, it throws the error, stopping the execution of the program and providing details about the error (e.g., “file not found”).

  • if (err): Checks whether the err variable contains an error.
  • throw err: If an error exists, it throws the error, which typically stops the program and logs the error details.

4. Logging the File Data (console.log(data)):

If no error occurred (i.e., the file was read successfully), the contents of the file are stored in the data variable. This line outputs the contents of the file to the console using console.log().

Example Flow:

  • If example.txt exists and is accessible, the program reads its contents, and the data is logged to the console.
  • If example.txt does not exist or some other error occurs (e.g., file permission issues), the program will throw an error and stop.

Full Process Flow:

  1. The fs.readFile() method attempts to read the file asynchronously.
  2. If the file is successfully read:
  • The content of the file is passed to the data parameter.
  • The content is logged to the console.
  1. If an error occurs during reading:
  • The err parameter contains the error.
  • The program throws an error and stops.