
What is Dwell time and how it affects SEO?

Dwell time is an important metrics for SEO auditors; it helps them in analyzing how their website is performing on search results.

Dwell time can be evaluated with the help of mainly three factors:

  1. Average Session Duration
  2. Bounce Rate Percentage
  3. Click through rate in Search Engine Results Page

Let me explain these factors one by one-

  1. Average Session Duration is the mathematical average of amount of time that users spend on a website. Example: If there are three visitors who spend 2 Minutes, 3 Minutes and 4 Minutes on a website before closing it or going back to the search engine, the average time will be 3 Minutes.
  2. Bounce Rate Percentage represents the amount of visitors that leave our website without visiting the second page. If 100 users visit our website and 60 of them leave the website by closing the page, clicking back button of the browser or opening some other tab then the bounce rate will be 60 %.

What is Dwell time in SEO and how it affects SEO?

You can see Average Session Duration and Bounce Rate Percentage in the Google Analytics report Dashboard for any website.

  1. CTR in the SERP is very important for determining what percentage of visitors clicks our links in the search results as compared to other links. If you will search any keyword on google you will find 10 organic results on the SERP by default. If 1 result Out of those 10 results is of your website then user may or may not click your link from the SERP.

You get impressions in search results and out of every 100 impressions the number of times your website’s URL gets clicked by a user is the CTR in the SERP.

You can see CTR in Google Webmasters Tools >> Search Analytics section.

These three factors are very important for computing the DWELL TIME.

Lower bounce rate good CTR value and higher Average Time Per User for our website will help our website in gaining better ranking and SEO.

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