Tableau Practice Questions to test your skill

Are you a Tableau Fresher or Learning Tableau for BI or Data Analysis, Here are 10 practice questions based on the Sample Superstore dataset, which can help you explore different aspects of data visualization and analysis using Tableau:

Sales and Profit Analysis

  1. Which Sub-Category has the highest total Sales?
  • Create a bar chart showing the total Sales for each Sub-Category. Identify the Sub-Category with the highest Sales.
  1. What is the total Profit for each Region, and which Region is the most profitable?
  • Create a bar chart to compare the total Profit across different Regions. Identify the most profitable Region.

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Customer and Order Analysis

  1. How many unique Customers are there in each State?
  • Use a calculated field to count the number of unique Customers in each State and display this information on a map.
  1. What is the average Order Quantity per Segment?
  • Calculate the average Order Quantity for each Segment and visualize this using a bar chart.

Time Series and Trend Analysis

  1. What is the trend of Sales over time, and during which month did the highest Sales occur?
  • Create a line chart showing Sales over time (by month or quarter). Identify the month with the highest Sales.
  1. Analyze the trend in Profit over the years. Is there a particular year with a significant increase or decrease in Profit?
  • Use a line chart to visualize Profit over the years and highlight any significant changes.

Product and Category Analysis

  1. Which Product has the highest Sales-to-Discount ratio?
  • Create a calculated field for the Sales-to-Discount ratio and identify the Product with the highest ratio using a bar chart.
  1. What is the most profitable Category in each Region?
  • Use a combination of bar charts and filters to identify the most profitable Category in each Region.

Shipping and Delivery Analysis

  1. Which Shipping Mode is the most commonly used, and how does it correlate with Profit?
  • Create a bar chart showing the frequency of each Shipping Mode and analyze its correlation with Profit using a scatter plot.
  1. Is there a correlation between Order Priority and Delivery Time?
    • Create a scatter plot to analyze the relationship between Order Priority and Delivery Time (you may need to calculate Delivery Time as the difference between Order Date and Ship Date).

These questions will help you practice different Tableau functionalities, such as creating calculated fields, using filters, working with time series, and analyzing trends and relationships within the dataset.