How to Create Shopping Ads in Google Adwords

Follow these Steps to Create Shopping Ads in Google Adwords

  1. Create a Google Merchant Center Account and provide your shopping website url.
  2. Verify your Domain Name with any of the provdied methods like Meta Tag Update or Verification file upload.
  3. Go to your merchant center dashboard and click list to find out your shopping products.
  4. Initially this list will be empty.
  5. Go to feeds and Click new Add New to populate your products list.
  6. You can chose Any Type of feed. For simplicity we can chose Google Spreadsheets Method.
  7. Google will create a template file for you where you can simply put product data.
  8. ID of Product, URL of Product, Image URL, Price with Currency Code, Brand, Availability and Condition are required fields.
  9. You will also see Gtin, mpn and brand in Google Sheet Colums.
  10. If you dont have gtin, mpn and brand values then add a new column named \”identifier_exists\” and put a value \”no\” .
  11. Go to feeds section and click on feed name and click fetch now.
  12. Wait for 2-5 minutes for processing.
  13. After 5 – 10 minutes you will see your products in Lists option.
  14. Now go to Adwords Manager Account and create a new Client Account >> Create a campaign, if client account already exists Create a Campaign.
  15. In type of ads section click Shopping Ads.
  16. Select your goal, for example – Sales.
  17. You will get a warning – No Merchant Center Account is connected.
  18. In Your Merchant Center Account Click on Three Dots on the top right corner.
  19. Click on Account Linking.
  20. Here you have to post the Adwords Client ID and you will then place a Linking Request to Adwords.
  21. In your adwords account Click on the Setting Icon >> Linked Accounts.
  22. Find your Merchant Center Request and accept it.
  23. After accepting the request you will be able to create a campaing with shopping ad.
  24. In your shopping ads you will see the list of products from Merchant Center Account.

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