If you want to learn how to earn money online you can follow our 100% working guide on online money making. Earning online is a bit tricky and it requires some work to be done. You cannot become rich in a day. You must follow some protocols to get success in online world.
Here are top 10 techniques to earn money online:
Earn online by Writing Articles
If you have basic knowledge of English language or your native language then you can earn online by writing articles. These articles will be mainly for Digital Marketing and promotion purpose. You must do certain amount of domain and keyword research before writing an article.
You can sign up on www.iwriter.com . It is a legitimate website where you can earn online by writing articles.
You can also try writearticles.swapthebook.com to earn online.
Create a blog to earn online
If you are passionate about writing articles or blogs then you have a great chance of earning decent income online. You can write about topics of your expertise. You can start with free blogging tools like:
Blogger and wordpress.com do not require a domain name or hosting to start a new blog.
You can start with a free subdomain from blogger or wordpress.com which looks like this:
Your website will be seo friendly. You will get free website hosting. Blogger websites are also accepted by major Advertising networks like Google Adsense and Media.net for monetization.
You can also create a self hosted blog by using CMS like WordPress.org.
A domain name and a hosting with wordpress support is mandatory in this case.
Our website is also built using WordPress.org CMS. Other CMS scripts are:
- Drupal
- Joomla
- www.Wix.com etc.
If you are proficient in Asp.net/C# or PHP, you can create your own scripts to create a blog.
You blog posts will generate traffic from search engines and social media networks. Advertisers will start bidding for AD Spaces on your blog. They will be benefited with impressions on Ads and you will get monetary benefits.
Ads on blog can be:
- Display Ads
- Video Ads
- In Text Ads
- Pop Up Ads etc.
Ad payments are made on following basis:
Cost Per Click – CPC
Cost Per Mille or Thousand Impressions – CPM
Cost Per View – CPV
Become an Affiliate to Earn Online
Affiliate Marketing is a very useful and powerful technique to earn money online. Affiliate Advertising networks pay a percentage of sales amount to bloggers if sales are made via their blogs or websites. If you don’t own a website then also you can earn via affiliate networks by sharing affiliate links in blogs, forums, emails and chat messengers.
You can start by writing a review of any product and then you can paste the affiliate url so that visitors can purchase with the help of your urls.
Affiliate marketing networks will pay you on the basis of Cost Per Sale or Cost Per Acquisition.
All major shopping networks like Amazon.com or Flipkart.com offer opportunities for affiliates to earn online by recommending and selling their products. You will get a percentage of sales amount. There are many software tools, web tools that offer commission on sales. You have to create a successful referral in order to earn online.