Influencer marketing relies on reviews and ratings of an influencer. An individual who has significant influence on others (namely – followers).
Sometimes influencer marketing (or influence marketing) is done as sponsored reviews.
There are ad networks which register \”influencers\” and \”advertisers\”.
Who are Advertisers ?
Those companies or individuals who pays, offers incentives or asks for reviews, articles, tweets, etc.
Who are Infuencers ?
Those companies or individuals (in most of the cases) who have significant influence on a particular audience are Influencers. They are asked to write sponsored reviews, articles, promotional posts, tweets etc on their social media profiles, pages, websites, blogs or other channels.
The platform on which they publish their reviews have a fan following which increases the probability of sales for advertisers.
Advertisers mainly provide the idea on which the incfluencer has to write articles / tweets etc.
The tone of writing and theme etc. are as per the influencers way of doing it, such that the article fits in his blog/ website/ social media page perfectly.
How does Influencer Marketing works ?
Step 1. Influencers submit it\’s blog, website, social media pages, etc. details to the Influencer Marketing Networks.
Step 2. IMN reviews the submission and accepts / rejects it in the system.
Step 3. Influencers bid on Advertiser\’s Offers.
Step 4. Accepted influencer\’s profile are displayed to advertisers.
Step 5. Advertisers review influencer\’s application and accepts Bidsor bargains (in some cases)
Note : Influencers should alaways look for Live Campaigns to find advertisers in sponsored reviews portals.
Things to consider before choosing a perfect influencer ?
You should always remember you requirement. Here are some points that can help you in choosing a perfect influencer :
- Relevance to your niche / style / genre / business sector
- Number of Inflenced People and Potential Reach
- Expertise
- How much value he can add to your brand / products / services.
If you are looking for influence marketing networks or sponsored reviewing blogs you can contact us.
Influencer Marketing Meaning in Hindi
इन्फ्लुएंसर मार्केटिंग एक प्रभाब्शाली व्यक्ति की समीक्षाओं और रेटिंग पर निर्भर करती है। एक व्यक्ति जिसका दूसरों पर महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव है (जैसे – अनुयायी)।
Infuencers कौन होते हैं?
वे कंपनियां या व्यक्ति (अधिकांश मामलों में) जिनका किसी विशेष दर्शकसमूह पर महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव होता है इन्फ्लुएंसर्स कहलाते हैं।
उन्हें अपने सोशल मीडिया प्रोफाइल, पेज, वेबसाइट, ब्लॉग या अन्य चैनलों पर प्रायोजित समीक्षा, लेख, प्रचार पोस्ट, ट्वीट आदि लिखने के लिए कहा जाता है।