
Python Tutorial Part 1 – Introduction to Python

What is Python?

Python is a very powerful and easy to understand High Level Programming Language.

It is general purpose programming language which requires only interpreters and no compilers.

It is an object oriented language. Everything in python is an object.

Creator of Python was Guido van Rossum during 1985- 1990.

Python Supports following Programming Paradigms:

  • Object-oriented
  • Imperative
  • Functional
  • Procedural

It has a large and comprehensive Standard Library.

Python is both Strongly Types and Dynamically Typed.

It Focuses on Readability and Productivity.

Python runs on all major operating systems including Windows, Mac Os or Linux. It is Cross platform.

Python is Opensource.

Python uses Whitespaces for Indentation.

If you are familiar with programming languages such as C or JAVA, you will find out that some expressions in Python are similar to them while others are not.

Python is used by famous organizations like:

  • Google
  • NASA
  • PBS etc.

Syntax of Python

Syntax of python is very easy to understand and write,  to print “hello world”. You can write

print (“Hello World”)

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